From Wherever They Are at Any Time Using an App on Their Phone, or on a Preset Schedule, or Using a Remote Control, for Popular Wire Crates or Almost Any Other Kind of Enclosure, and for a Fraction of the Cost and With Much Easier Setup Vs. Other Products on the Market That Offer Far Less Versatility and Functionality.

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The Easy Out Deluxe is a total game-changer for busy, loving pet owners and their pets!  It is the only product of its kind available anywhere and has 20 years of proven performance.  It allows you to open your pet’s crate or enclosure door spontaneously from anywhere anytime or via a timer using an app on your phone, or from several floors or up to 50 yards away with a remote control, or linked to your home automation system!  No matter how you activate it, upon hearing it “click” your pet will immediately nudge the door open and come out to enjoy freedom to roam at the times and places you as the owner want. It works on most common wire pet crates, pens, doors, gates, barriers, kennels, etc.

There are 2 main differences between the Easy Out Deluxe and other pet doors available on the market.  First, the others are designed to open whenever your pet approaches them, giving your pet control of when they come and go.  For the types of problems described here that the Easy Out Deluxe solves, that is NOT a good thing. The Easy Out Deluxe allows the pet's owner to control when their pet is released or given access to an area.  Second, it is the only product available that works on common wire crates, right or left side swinging doors, and more.  This means you can easily mount it to what you are already using to control all kinds of access, not just through a certain door, and do so without having to cut a big permanent hole in a main door of your home and pay up to 5 times as much!

See the “Application Videos” tab for videos and photos demonstrating lots of exciting situations it can address, and the “Product Info and FAQs” tab for all kinds of details and the benefits it provides and ways it improves the quality of life for both owners and pets, such as:

When you get:  a) up in the morning, b) home in the car, or c) tired of getting up! 

The inventor originally used it to release his puppy from her crate early in the mornings when she would wake up and start crying, without going down/up the 2 flights of stairs.  Many customers use it to let their dogs out when they get home so their pet can meet them calmly inside the door with no barking to annoy the neighbors as they get out of the car and open the door to go inside.  It's also great to release your pet after you and they have finished a peaceful dinner in separate areas, or without leaving the couch.

When you are leaving home:

Other customers have told of using it from their car to release their pet from its crate to have free roam of the house when they leave home, after the family is all safely outside, keeping their pets from running out an open garage or other door before everyone (children, etc.) is safely in the car.  It is also great for keeping your dog from jumping on your good clothes when leaving for work or a night out on the town, as you can release them to roam inside the house after you have made it out to your car.  Others use it to release their pet remotely, often using the app's timer function at a preset time, for free roam of the house and yard after a time of day when neighbors will no longer complain.

Keeping your dog from running after your car as you leave:

Many customers in rural areas or with driveways have told of using it to release their dog after they've gotten sufficiently far away from their house in their car that their dog will not try to chase after them, thus avoiding the risk of their pet getting accidentally and tragically run over.  It has actually saved the lives of several beloved pets in this manner, as shared in heartfelt feedback found on our Testimonials page here.

Mobility issues:

Another advantage is that for pet owners who are less mobile and/or aren't able to bend down easily, the Easy Out lets them release their dog without walking up or down any stairs, bending all the way over/down to their crate on the floor to fiddle with the crate's latches, or even getting out of bed or up from their recliner or kitchen chair.

Home Security:

Some folks have expressed appreciation for the secure feeling they have knowing that if they ever hear any odd noises downstairs in the middle of the night, they can release their dog from its crate remotely to check things out instead of them, while they stay safely upstairs in bed, or even program their home security system to release their dog automatically upon sensing danger or motion in the home.

Pet Safety:

The Easy Out Deluxe could also be used to release an owner's pet from an area of the house that would otherwise be unreachable during a fire or other emergency, not even by a fireman, no matter where the owner was - say still at work - thus potentially saving their beloved pet’s life.  This is truly an insurance policy with priceless benefits.

Avoid going out in the elements or getting up early every day:

Some use it to avoid getting dressed up and going out in the elements to release their pet from a separated garage or kennel, which is great, and chicken farmers love the ability to let their chickens out early every day automatically without getting out of bed!

As a training aide:

Whether it be an owner crate-training their new puppy, or a professional trainer teaching good manners or vital skills to puppies or dogs, the Easy Out is great for rewarding and reinforcing desired behavior.  This may be for calmness when you are getting home or when neighbors might complain, or teaching commands such as "come" or "attack" (for security training) at the desired moment when the smartphone or remote-control button is pressed (for example, after an extended "stay" command) - without the need for a 2nd trainer.

Get yours today and start enjoying a whole new world of fun, convenience, and peace of mind with your pet!